Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Back in Chile

Okay, it's been a while and a lot has happened. My last blog had me boarding the Gould last minute. We left Palmer, completed a successful and speedy medical evacuation. I was fortunate to visit King George Island and mingle with the Chileans. Once the medevac was complete we were called back to the Palmer and the Antarctic peninsula to continue with 10 more days of science. The time at sea was good, I worked nights 12midnight-12noon. We hauled fish, sampled water for bacteria, and dropped CTDs (Conductivity, Temperature and Depth of seawater).

Now, I find myself in Punta Arenas wrapping things up on the Laurence M. Gould and looking forward to a long needed vacation (it's been 9 months). It was sunny and in the high 50's on the pier today. I spent a few hours in town, running errands, drinking coffee at a cafe and practicing my Spanish. Working on the deck of the Gould was glorious. Absolutely wonderful. Tonight a surly crew of friends and coworkers are meeting in town, at Marmitas, for dinner and frivolity.

1 comment:

Neal said...

May wonder guide your adventures.